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Holly Winter Huppert’s forthcoming book, Unimaginable: Volunteering for Ukrainian Refugees relates Holly's journey to Poland four months after Russia invaded Ukraine where she volunteered for Ukrainian refugees and learned how to help people faced with hopelessness.
Huppert wrote daily columns during her 7 weeks in Poland that were read around the world. Here in Unimaginable: Volunteering for Ukrainian Refugees, she includes the writing that captured the worlds’ attention and then writes about the one event that she had to hold in secret—until now.

Cheese for Breakfast: My Turkish Summer
This book is a wide-eyed look at adventure, friendship and never wanting to go home.
Holly Winter Huppert’s Cheese for Breakfast: My Turkish Summer is a joy ride of surprises; a perfect escapist read. Join her as she climbs castles, eats from communal bowls, joins a 40-minute water fight from the back of a truck, lives with a Turkish family, visits remote areas and marks two lifelong dreams off of her bucket list: visit the ancient city of Ephesus and watch the Whirling Dervishes whirl in prayer.
Huppert writes with her signature humor, honesty and insights as she brings the stories and photos of her travels home to us.
Cheese for Breakfast: My Turkish Summer
is available as an ebook from these vendors:
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Cheese for Breakfast: My Turkish Summer (ISBN: 9780998385242)
as an ebook from these library vendors:


Hans Helps: A Coronavirus/COVID-19 Story
Hans Helps: A Coronavirus/COVID-19 Story follows a 6-year-old boy who helps protect his family from the coronavirus by following the “Healthy 7” habits.
In a time when the entire world is struggling to stay healthy, Hans Helps: A Coronavirus/COVID-19 Story, empowers children to help their extended family stay healthy during the coronavirus pandemic and long after it’s over.
50% of the proceeds of this book will go to charities in Kingston, New York where the author is a teacher. Interested customers can buy a print book to donate to a child in need. Click ADD TO CART above, or Buy from the author below.
Hans Helps is available here at Winuply Press, or anywhere books are sold.
Ask your library to order Hans Helps (ISBN: 978-0-99838-52-2-8)
as an ebook from these library vendors:


Write Now: Ideas for Writers
When author Holly Winter Huppert couldn't find an instructional writing book that taught creative writing as well as factual writing, she wrote one herself. Write Now: Ideas for Writers includes both fiction and nonfiction writing prompts as well as full page photographs taken by the author. 36 pages.
Write Now is available anywhere books are sold, or here at Winuply Press.

Hans Goes to Snow Day School
Hans Goes to Snow Day School is the latest in Huppert's series of books, "I Can Read it Myself." This black and white book follows Hans as he spends a snow day cooking, writing in his journal and playing in the snow.

Caution: Do not Read this Book
As a child, did you believe in mermaids, steal chocolate from your mother or have to tolerate a younger sibling’s rants? Seventeen children approach their lives with honesty, humor and surprise. All parts of this book were student directed: Proceeds of the book will go to extracurricular writing activities for the children at the George Washington (Public) Montessori School.

Everything is a Song: Our Stories
Middle School students write about the issues affecting their lives. Family, peer pressure, medicals, and personal opinions bring this collection of essays to the forefront of modern day literary collections. All stories are true. If you wonder what our next generation is thinking about, read this book. Everything is a Song: Our Stories will prove that our teens have something to say and aren't afraid to say it.