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School Districts Consider Adding a Copy of Hans Helps to Distance Learning Packages

Writer's picture: Winuply PressWinuply Press

Several school districts have asked about adding copies of Hans Helps: A Coronavirus/COVID-19 Story to their Distance Learning Support Packages for families.

As school districts around the country scramble to find books that can help their students learn, how many will adopt the book, Hans Helps, for their K-2 students and teachers?.

Many families have found Has Helps supports the changes their family has had to make this year.

Hans Help is an 80 page chapter book with photographs. It is a read aloud story that follows a kindergartener, named Hans, as he learns about the virus and how he can help to stop the spread so he can be "Like a superhero."

Marion Smithee from Bend, Oregon stated,

"We've been looking for a book just like this. A book that would take the burden of change off our students and make it a part of a story line. Our teachers support the tag line, "Be like Hans." It's a perfect read aloud book that families can read together and discuss the importance of hand washing, eating healthy foods and showing kindness to each other as they follow the "Healthy 7" habits.

Holly Winter Huppert, the author and educator who wrote Hans Helps stated,

"I wrote this book to help children understand COVID-19 because once they understand what is going on, children feel empowered to help solve the problem."

Schools can contact Winuply Press for more information.


As this time of uncertainty continues, let Winuply Press's books Hans Helps and Write Now: Ideas for Writers support your teachers and students.


Winuply Press: We know education.

Schools interested in bulk order discounts of Hans Helps can get get a free digital copy of the book for considerations, and more information by contacting Winuply Press using the information below.


Winuply Press Upstate New York 845-481-3859


(C) 2020 by Winuply Press


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